Single Greatest Nation On EARTH that GOD has ever given to man!

I am watching 'Hannity's America: The Greatest Nation On EARTH' (with the exact capitalization) on FOX News. I have no objections, and in fact I agree, to most of the claims Americans make.

I have very good Indian friends living in America, who favour living here than in the the motherland India, and I see no wrong in that. It's their personal choice, and I respect their individuality, especially when the decisions were made on rational reasoning.

I had heard of the lows that FOX News has touched; just yesterday I heard a guy on Comedy Central who said 'If it's on FOX, you know it's not true'. But the thing that annoyed me most about this program on Fox is that this dick-head, inconsiderate nincompoop makes the claim that America is 'Greatest Nation On EARTH that GOD has ever given to man'! You STUPID MORON god did not create America! It was your ancestors, your leaders who created this country. God has nothing to do with this. Had God been involved or favouring your country, there would never have been a 9-11, or Oklahoma bombing or any such thing.

How can a rational person in his right mind associate a country's success to God!!?? It is the America's ability to keep it's population down (in control), and it's economy in shape, so much so that it affects almost the whole world's economies.

He interviewed two people, Fareed Zakaria, from Newsweek, and Newt Gingrich, FOX News contributor. If the show is ever aired again, you can clearly see how many times Zakaria's interview is snipped in between, and his lines most of the times are cut midway. Newt does make sensible statements, and his lines are not trimmed.

I respect America, but do not undermine the other countries, and for god's sake do not think God made or favours America! This guy is not ready to even accept the comments by Zakaria that other countries are rising, and that America should be even considering them equals.

Almost all the Americans I have met during my last 4 visits here have have a better understanding of other countries than this Hannity guy. They appreciate and respect other countries. That's all that Zakaria put forward and this dickhead wasn't ready to even accept that the world is changing, other countries are improving and that America should start learning to live in a world where other countries are empowered too.

I have not much more to say than that if that guy was in front of me, and if it were allowed, I would have slapped him.


UPDATE: I forgot to mention that now I consider FOX on the levels of 'AAJ TAK', an Indian news channel. Both these channels air such programs that I have no doubt that either they are stupid, or trying to stupidify us. (
yes, I beat G.W.B at stupification)

1 comment:

James Perez said...

Other nations are now improving partially because of advancements and innovations from the U.S.